Picture of Hi, I am currently a second year student at university, i want to do work experience for sandwich year, is it possible?

Hi, I am currently a second year student at university, i want to do work experience for sandwich year, is it possible?

Picture of Rachael
1 response

Shanuya T. asked a question to Lloyds Banking Group

Category: Internship

Date asked: Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Last reviewed: Thursday, April 8, 2021

Picture of Rachael F.

Rachael F.

Emerging Talent Delivery Assistant

Hi Shanuya, thank you for your message. Our applications are currently closed however we do offer some Industrial placements for a year which can be accessed via our website - https://www.lloydsbankinggrouptalent.com/ to get further insight into them. We also offer internships for a 10 week period over the summer but you would need to be in your penultimate year at university to be eligible for these. I hope that helps. Thanks, Rachael

Thursday, April 8, 2021

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