Picture of Could you please share what is your biggest achievement in the company and what you did to achieve it?

Could you please share what is your biggest achievement in the company and what you did to achieve it?

2 responses

Ioannis M. asked during the live chat In the Spotlight: Our Commercial Banking, Finance, Risk & Sustainable Financial Wellbeing Graduate Schemes - Heavily Sub to Lloyds Banking Group

Category: Experience

Date asked: lundi, novembre 15, 2021

Last reviewed: lundi, novembre 15, 2021

Hardaker F.

Customer and Business Support Manager

I achieved presenting a new function in Microsoft Teams to one of the insurance directors and this has been implemented into insurance teams - I had to clearly state the benefits why it's worth doing and also explain clearly on a call where colleagues have different levels of tech expertise

lundi, novembre 15, 2021

Ioannis M.

Fantastic - very creative! Thank you!

lundi, novembre 15, 2021

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