Could you please share what is your biggest achievement in the company and what you did to achieve it?
Ioannis M. asked during the live chat In the Spotlight: Our Commercial Banking, Finance, Risk & Sustainable Financial Wellbeing Graduate Schemes - Heavily Sub to Lloyds Banking Group
Category: Experience
Date asked: lundi, novembre 15, 2021
Last reviewed: lundi, novembre 15, 2021
Hardaker F.
Customer and Business Support Manager
I achieved presenting a new function in Microsoft Teams to one of the insurance directors and this has been implemented into insurance teams - I had to clearly state the benefits why it's worth doing and also explain clearly on a call where colleagues have different levels of tech expertise
lundi, novembre 15, 2021
Ioannis M.
Fantastic - very creative! Thank you!
lundi, novembre 15, 2021
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