What sort of projects do you work on?
Additional information
During the first assessment there were questions involving businesses reaching out to Lloyds Bank asking for help. Are the projects worked on as a software engineer strictly for Lloyds or do you also produce/sell software to these businesses? What would a graduate spend their time working on at Lloyds Bank? Creating new software or maintaining/providing additions to current software. If they are creating new software, how many different projects do you get to work on in a year?
Peter U. asked during the live chat In the Spotlight: our Software Engineering and Data Science Graduate and Industrial Placement Schemes to Lloyds Banking Group
Category: Experience
Date asked: Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Last reviewed: Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Noe J.
Software Engineer Industrial Placement
Hi Peter, I believe it depends on the different teams or lab your work for. For my side, I work in the Card Servicing Lab and I work on a big project with external stakeholders which is the implementation of the Click to Pay registration for eligible customers. Basically, this project is enabling customers to register quickly with Visa's click to pay service to perform quick payments when the service is available. Many other people in the lab work closely with Mastercard, Apple or Google. So I believe it really depends on what area you work in.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Peter U.
Hello Noe, thanks for the response.
That is great to hear, sounds very interesting and looks like there could be quite a bit of variety. Glad to see that it is working on real software that will get used.
That was my main question as the job description didn't give examples of what you would be working on. I have just been moved to the next stage today and I haven't been given the opportunity to upload my CV and portfolio, do you know what stage that will be at or have I made a mistake and missed it?
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Noe J.
Software Engineer Industrial Placement
The recruitment process is CV blind, so no worries you didn't commit any mistake. I believe you should be reaching the coding assessment stage, which is after the business case assessment.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Peter U.
Ok, good to hear.
Thank you very much for the responses, that's all the questions I had.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
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