How difficult is it to balance work and studying for the professional accounting qualifications ?
Alexander R. asked a question to Lloyds Banking Group
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Last reviewed: Friday, January 21, 2022
Anna A.
Finance Graduate: GCT Pensions
Hi Alexander
Great question!
I found that it could be a bit challenging at times, especially at the start of the scheme or just before an exam, just working out the right balance. However, you quickly learn the ways in which studying works most effectively for you, and the requirements of the particular role you're in. Then, often with support from your line manager, figure out how best to approach finding the balance.
It's different for everyone, all my colleagues on the scheme had different methods that worked for them, so it's really just about finding out what works for you, but it's definitely manageable!
I hope that helps!
Friday, January 21, 2022
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