Is the idea of taking a step back in your current career, to try new roles, something that would be welcome at LBG?
Additional information
Trying to gauge if electing to take on a new role (perhaps through an Apprenticeship), despite having decent prior experience in another area, would be something that's welcomed or discouraged.
Ali R. asked a question to Rachael F.
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Dienstag, März 16, 2021
Last reviewed: Dienstag, März 16, 2021
Phillipa E.
Operation Manager - Emerging Talent
I would say that anything that helps you develop new and different skills will be welcomed. You manage your own development with the support of LBG.
Dienstag, März 16, 2021
Ali R.
Thanks for the response Phillipa.
A further, related, question if I may - having worked with LBG as a contractor for five years consecutively in areas of Quality Control/Assurance, on a couple of different projects, I'm trying to assess if an Apprenticeship would be deemed a reasonable entry point?
With the experiences I have, whilst also holding a degree, there are other (more "senior" perhaps?) entry points available - but I'm more passionate about developing in a new area that I may not be considered experienced in, even if it means having to start from a more foundational entry point.
Dienstag, März 16, 2021
Phillipa E.
Operation Manager - Emerging Talent
If you have a degree then maybe the Graduate programmes may be of interest. You need a
minimum of a 2:2 in any subject. They will open for applications in September for a 2022 start date. I would keep an eye on other "experienced hire" roles on the website too as there may be something of interest.
Dienstag, März 16, 2021
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