Picture of Can you give any insight into what these rotations are and any advice you have when joining the LBG team?

Can you give any insight into what these rotations are and any advice you have when joining the LBG team?

2 responses

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For the Software Engineering Graduate Scheme. In the job description it says there are 3 rotations.

Amie H. asked during the live chat In the Spotlight: our Software Engineering and Data Science Graduate and Industrial Placement Schemes to Lloyds Banking Group

Category: Career Advice

Date asked: Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Last reviewed: Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Sarah L.

Emerging Talent Programme Manager

Hi Amie - yes there are 3 rotations, and these could be based across our Engineering teams, to ensure our graduates gain the breadth and experience of working with different teams, people as well as tools and systems. Our graduates get involved in delivering work from when they join, so you'd get some great experience from the beginning :) My advice would be to be open to any opportunities which come your way because it's the best way to understand what you enjoy and where you'd like to get more involved in the future :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Amie H.

Thank you Sarah, sounds like a really great experience! Always up for a challenge so working in different areas and projects sounds great.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

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