Picture of About the split of data science grad scheme. Are the three splits linearly place on the timeline?

About the split of data science grad scheme. Are the three splits linearly place on the timeline?

2 responses

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I saw some other threads mentioning the split. It seems that there are three splits. Just want to understand are the three splits linearly place on the timeline? or it is a selection of split for the whole two years graduate scheme. For example, does it mean that throughout the two years, we will first work on the Data Engineering split, then move on to the Data Science split, and then move on to the final split? Thanks

Ho Kwan I. asked during the live chat In the Spotlight: our Software Engineering and Data Science Graduate and Industrial Placement Schemes to Lloyds Banking Group

Category: Team Info

Date asked: Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Last reviewed: Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Jacob E.

Data Scientist

Hi Ho, the split breaks the two year grad scheme into 3 equal sections (they are called placements). So you are in each placement for around 8 months. You will spend 8 months in the role as a Data Scientist in the team. Then 8 months as a Data engineer in a different team (these can happen in the reverse order, but your first two placements will always be Data Science and Data Engineering). Your final 8 months will be in the final placement. hope that's clear!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Ho Kwan I.

Yup, that's clear! Thank you very much !

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

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