How Do the Rotational Schemes Work Across Different Sites?
Picture of Hardaker
Picture of James
4 responses
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For example, would I be regularly working from home for certain hubs or would I still arrive in office most days and stay nearby the new hub?
Ethan S. asked during the live chat In the Spotlight: Our Commercial Banking, Finance, Risk & Sustainable Financial Wellbeing Graduate Schemes - Heavily Sub to Lloyds Banking Group
Category: Internal career mobility
Date asked: Monday, November 15, 2021
Last reviewed: Monday, November 15, 2021
Picture of Hardaker J.
Hardaker J.
Customer and Business Support Manager
It fully depends on the team you are in - you are expected to work in a location per placement
Monday, November 15, 2021
Picture of James H.
James H.
Finance Graduate
Hi Ethan, this varies by role and team. For instance, in my team there are 4 people, and we all live in different parts of the UK. As we all live far apart, we work remotely from home. However, in my next role, i will be going to the office two days a week. This will evolve as we get back to normality. I hope this helps
Monday, November 15, 2021
Picture of Otcheche A.
Otcheche A.
Thank James H. - yes, very helpful
Monday, November 15, 2021
Ethan S.
Great. Thank you for your answers!
Monday, November 15, 2021
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